We are at the beginning of our journey to find the flavours and to find the feisty women who will work with us across Africa. Please try our delicious HATARI inventions and grow with us.
The good news amongst us chilli lovers is that people who consume chilli pepper more than four times a week have a 44 per cent lower chance of dying from coronary heart disease. It might be the case that people who prefer spicier foods have more robust defences against heart attacks and strokes in the first place or that those who ate lots of chilli consumed greater amounts of other spices and antioxidants or it is more likely that [chilli] makes eating other healthy foods more pleasurable.
So the bottom line is us chilli lovers may well be around longer than we thought, so we better make some more friends and make sure the planet lasts longer than we do.
Also, we suspect you may be in the 32% of consumers planning to make more socially responsible food purchases, 60% of whom ‘want to buy food and drink products that reflect their attitudes and opinions on life’ and feel their purchasing decisions have a much greater impact on society than their voting decisions or community involvement.
So, join our HATARI tribe to share in our news and keep updated of the HATARI communities both here and in Africa. Hear about our products and projects and be the first to see and taste our new ideas and learn about our events.
But more than all, we want to make sure that the HATARI Tribe we are founding learn more about all the communities involved in the whole production chain. We want you to know the real farmers of Africa and producers who contribute to providing your sauce on every step of the chain.